RDSI supports eBusiness projects for Defense Logistics Agency's (DLA's)
Defense Automatic Addressing System Center (DAASC) eBusiness Hub, a
major fielding supporting over 2.5 million transaction processed per day
with over 15,000 trading partners.
The eBusiness Hub has a projected workload of over 7 billion transactions
processed yearly, or over 19 million transactions daily, by FY13. Through
our work efforts with the eBusiness Hub we directly support the flow of DOD
logistics data for requisitioning, financial and transportation data, with minor
involvement in procurement data flow. We are involved with the mapping and
translation of logistics data between the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps,
DLA and their associated government and commercial trading partners. RDSI
Additionally, we serve as the level two help desk for the DOD eBusiness
hub, providing information based upon the flow of data through the hub; the
destination the data was sent; the format of the transactions and associated
business rules used in the translation of the transaction sets; time of
receipt and time of transmission; confirmation of receipt by the destination
and support the analysis and reporting of the transactions processed by
the DOD eBusiness Hub.
Rainbow Data Systems is a major player in assuring the DOD logistics
systems will continue to exchange data between themselves, their trading
partners and the end users of these data.
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The DCMA mission is to provide Contract Administration Services to the Department of Defense Acquisition
Enterprise and its partners to ensure delivery of quality products and services to the warfighter; on time
and on cost. DCMA builds and maintains an infrastructure for electronic data interchange and develops
applications to support paperless contracting
The Department of Defense's Standard Procurement System (SPS) program was created to bring the advantages
of automation and standardization to the procurement process throughout DoD. The joint SPS program office
has developed, tested and deployed a suite of software products for use by contracting professionals in the
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and other defense agencies.
RDSI provides translation and mapping services in support of the DCMA Standard Procurement System (SPS).
RDSI develops mapping structures and provides translation services to parse data to various fields in
various applications in support of the exchange of logistics transactions / transaction sets for
Business-to-Business operations.
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The Defense Logistics Management Standards Office (DLMSO), administers the Defense Logistics
Standard System (DLSS) [also known as the Military Standard Logistics Systems (MILS)], the Defense
Logistics Management System (DLMS), the Logistics Data Management Program, the DoD Physical Inventory
Control Program, the Interfund Billing System (DLMS Finance), Customer Wait Time (CWT), Supply
Discrepancy Reporting, and other designated standard logistics systems and programs for the DoD.
The DLMSO Process Review Committee (PRC) provides a standard forum in which individual representatives
from the DoD community meet and participate in the Process Review Committee (PRC) and Technical Review
Committee (TRC) meetings.
RDSI provides business process re-engineering and analysis support for the Process Review committee and
associated database management needs. RDSI is highly knowledgeable in the Defense Logistics Standard System
(DLSS) transactions and the Defense Logistics Modernized System (DLMS) transaction sets and the associated
business rules required to edit, validate, verify and route these transactions/transaction sets to their
appropriate destinations. RDSI works closely with Defense Automatic Addressing System Center (DAASC) in
formulating technical recommendations and responses to the PRC committee. RDSI’s recommendations and
responses address technical concerns, issues or problems with the implementation of DLSS/DLMS conversions
as well as data exchange between DOD systems.
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Rainbow Data Systems (RDSI) is a subcontractor on the ECSS IV&V contract.
RDSI expertise provides the program office independent assessment of integrator plans and actions. Our support
provides advice on the following areas:
- Requirements analysis; business process work flow, organizational impacts, implementation planning and adequacy of corrective actions
- Systems engineering, hardware specifications, sizing estimation, environment build, GCSS-AF integration and utilization
- Software development, network engineering, planning, ERP design and development and organizational change
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RDSI has partnered with Lockheed-Martin in support of the DLA Integrated Data Environment (IDE) –
Global Transportation Network (GTN) Convergence (IGC) project.
The IGC is designed to provide the DOD with an integrated set of networked, end-to-end visibility,
deployment, and distribution capabilities. The end goal of IGC is to effectively support the Joint Force
Commander's ability to make decisions based on actionable logistics information.
The IGC implementation plan has been refined into an overarching program schedule which begins in
FY08 and sunsets legacy GTN components in FY10. The plan is synchronized with guidance from the USTRANSCOM
Distribution Portfolio Manager (DPfM), DLA PEO, and USTRANSCOM DPEO and is comprised of multiple spirals to
leverage planned IDE enhancements, synchronize with several other USTRANSCOM /Distribution Process Owner
(DPO) / Joint development initiatives, and inject investment into the converged environment rather than
the old GTN infrastructure.
RDSI is primarily responsible for providing engineering services in the areas of supply data transformation
and related source and consumer system requirements.
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RDSI has partnered with SAIC in support of the DLA Integrated Data Environment (IDE) Asset Visibility
(AV) application.
RDSI supports production operations, corrects system problems and supports enhancements to the
Integrated Data Environment (IDE) Asset Visibility (AV) system. Sustainment activities include management
of COTS version upgrades, improving functional capabilities and improving technical capabilities. RDSI’s
IDE-AV sustainment activities involves program management, operations and maintenance of multiple AV environments,
and systems enhancements in support of change management and problem resolution. RDSI assists the AV PMO,
DAASC and DISA in identifying and resolving end user issues, delivered as Problem Reports (PRs); application
not working as designed; systems change requests – a functional requirements change, as well as operational
issues. RDSI generates PR’s and System Change Requests (SCRs) as needed.
RDSI work efforts support the three areas of:
- Program Management – Provide & support a program management plan and associated work
breakdown structure, provide monthly status reports, support in-process reviews, provide informal weekly
reports, provide input to the information assurance process;
- Support Management and Operations of all AV Environments – Monitor interfaces, maintain a
centralized schedule for application interfaces, analyze source system data feeds for quality, manage
the Informatica ETL tool, maintain scripts that load source data, manage AV low and high side
operational data stores, monitor operations, provide application-to-application performance reports,
maintain COTS products in a current status, respond to trouble tickets in a timely fashion; and
- System Enhancements and Problem Report Resolution – Analyze, fix & test problem report issues,
support system change requests, exercise proper configuration management techniques, controls and
processes, provide software version description and functional software code, maintain AV metadata in
the appropriate COTS tools and support migration to DLA/DLIS Metadata repositories, support acceptance
testing, support documentation requirements as necessary, provide level 3 customer support.
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